
Tips for Aspiring Writers

Our blog offers tips and advice for correcting errors in your print and online content that could embarrass you and hurt your credibility.

The Value of Becoming a Decisive Writer

The role of decisiveness should not be underestimated in a writer's process. How are decisive writers different? Are you a decisive writer? Most will say yes, but I wonder how often that's true. Many confuse decisiveness with good decision-making. Even if you’re a good decision-maker, you’ll undoubtedly limit your writing career if you can’t act decisively. Decisive writers are confident and committed to their choices, even when faced with uncertain outcomes. I know writers who craft compelling narratives, but those who act decisively seem more consistent in preparing work for publication. Let’s consider the quality of decisiveness. We'll examine how [...]

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About the Author: Cox Editing Services

David Cox is a Co-owner of Cox Editing Services. As an editor, he writes about the lessons he’s learned from successful writers. The habits and practices that can help aspiring writers become better and more productive at their craft.
  • Using Contractions: Do You Write the Way You Speak?

    Contractions are shortened forms of words or phrases created by combining two words and replacing one or more letters with an apostrophe. For example, can't is a contraction of cannot. Another example is it’s, a contraction of it is, or it has. Contractions are commonly used in spoken and written English to convey informality.

  • Overcoming Procrastination: A Challenge for All Writers

    Whether you're a seasoned author or just starting your writing journey, battling procrastination can often feel like an uphill struggle. However, with the right strategies and mindset, you can overcome this obstacle and boost your productivity. In today’s article, we'll explore six proven strategies writers use to conquer procrastination and boost their creativity.

  • Run-on Sentences: A Challenge for Many Aspiring Writers

    Have you ever read a sentence you thought would never end? Some writers attempt to convey multiple thoughts and ideas without using periods or other appropriate punctuation. Afterward, you're not even sure what the author was trying to say. Unfortunately, you’re now facing the notorious run-on sentence. A grammatical disease that can wreak havoc on the clarity and conciseness of your writing.

  • A Blog for Aspiring Writers

    We created “Tips for Aspiring Writers” to provide practical advice and suggestions. We hope our posts will help you enhance your skills, discover your “writing process,” and facilitate the journey of preparing work for publication.

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